Foundation Objectives

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The Foundation Objectives

The "European Foundation for Urology" (EFU) has a threefold purpose:

- Promoting medicine in emerging countries

- Advice for patients with malignant urological tumors

- Translational uro-oncological research

The focus is always on the patients. Be it that they are helped directly and sustainably through counseling and / or therapy.

Or that the training of talented young doctors from emerging countries fundamentally improves local care. With this in mind, the EFU promotes the qualification of these colleagues by awarding scholarships to enable them to spend a limited period of time abroad at an appropriately renowned medical institution.

In this way, the development of competence centers in emerging countries is supported, which are able to successfully treat injuries, deformities and diseases - especially in childhood.


scan email contact

please help and donate here!

HypoVereinsbank München

IBAN: DE06 7002 0270 0654 7986 30


Subject: EFU-aid
